So as far as recipes go winter has been so hard on us , financially and I don't remember the last time to be honest i have gone to the store with a planned out menu and bought the ingredients for it, Its been bare bones for sometime, I know we are not the only ones struggling , and I know I have done a rather good job , making " something good" out of "nothing" so I guess If you all are interested I will do a series of recipes on just using what you have in the pantry example Below:
So today I went to my freezer and found ____ , then I walked to my pantry and found these items __________ and so forth and did it all for around 10 for the whole dinner. How does that sound is there any interest out there for very very frugal and budget friendly dinners and meals and desserts? :) please let me know your feedback is most appreciated!
Love JoAnna xooxox
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