Hello All , I though I would share with you some items that i have been sharing and featuring on my page on Facebook for this blog :D Yes it is so much easier to share on the blog than here but I am working to change that .
like me on Facebook here JoAnnaGlutenFree-Chef-and-Health-Enthusiast-BLOGPAGE
like me on Facebook here JoAnnaGlutenFree-Chef-and-Health-Enthusiast-BLOGPAGE
~~Traditional Healing Herbs~~

* I have to share something with you all, as some of you know my body is pretty sensitive and even though i have (lupus & Sjolgrens syndrome, and Thyroid/ Pituitary Gland issues and Anemia Hemochromatosis and Multiple Food allergies and Intolrences and Environmental problems. I have been able to keep my Fibo under control with Cleaning Eating and such, I look at this chart and I have been doing Traditional Healing Herbs since i was 14 year old What a blessing to have such wonderful blessing God Created at our disposable
**Photo Source : (Source: igardenaked)
~~Natural Pain Killers you have in your Kitchen~~
--- Natural pain killers
(Source: www.emashherbs.com)
~~Homemade Tinker Belle Tutu Costume, Unique One of a Kind~~ For My Princess Eleenas' Upcoming 3rd Birthday! June 30th , 2013
**Quickly taken due to the fact it was raining lol !!!!
NOTE: THE Bead Strap is Temporary I ran out of Green Ribbon, but she likes the gold beads lol so we may keep it lol
--- Natural pain killers
(Source: www.emashherbs.com)
~~Homemade Tinker Belle Tutu Costume, Unique One of a Kind~~ For My Princess Eleenas' Upcoming 3rd Birthday! June 30th , 2013
**Quickly taken due to the fact it was raining lol !!!!
NOTE: THE Bead Strap is Temporary I ran out of Green Ribbon, but she likes the gold beads lol so we may keep it lol

Hope you all had a good and safe Memorial Day Yesterday "
have a happy and healthy Memorial Day weekend, without losing sight of what the day is really about.