Me Being very silly , was playing in the orchard with the kids and someone Snapped a Pic heheh |
I am going
to try something new; add something fresh and different into the regular. I
don't know why I don't write more blog posts - I can still write even if there
is not recipe attached :). Oh wait, that's right, life has been incredibly
crazy and challenging, yep, that's it! LOL!

Do you ever feel like your summer came and went in a flash? Like it is fall
already and you never got to do much of what you wanted to accomplish before
summer flew by? That was totally us this year! On the one hand, I am happy that
I got a lot of cleaning and organizing done, but it feels as though it hasn’t
stopped! Seriously, I feel as if I'm still doing that very same thing! Am I the
only one?? I hope not hahaha!
When a family of 6 lives in barely 800 sq feet , some challenges arise. In the
end though it’s about perspective and the pro's outweigh the cons. Really, it’s
all about perspective and timing and what season you are in even though this
season has turned into over a decade ...
Anyway, enough of that! My dream
was and still is to blog, but in more than just recipes and food. For those who
are new or just beginning to read, here are some of my other passions. If there
is one or ever more that you are interested in, feel free to reply and reach
Here are some other things I love to write about:
Of course
food: gluten free and allergen free everything! I love cooking, baking, drying,
canning, fermenting and foraging to name a few. I also have 20 + years of
experience in making and using natural supplements, essential oils and
homeopathic remedies and tinctures. This healthy living, it’s a lifestyle - I
don't use the word diet in this house!
I also
enjoy home schooling, budgeting, thrifty living, DIY's/hacks, crafts with
kids and crafts while the kids are in bed (:p), home decor, gardening, movies,
books, literature, I am actually writing an Fantasy Allegory , homesteading and emergency prep and storage.
Here is a Pillow i HANDMADE ( #SEWINGBYHAND ) |
I am just going to continue
to write. I think
it’s a good outlet and I love to help people all I can. I also love to learn
from you so here’s to many more years as I continue my ministry to help people
since 2011.
Written By ~ JoAnnaGlutenFreeChef
Edited By ~ Rebecca G.
But those who wait on
the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah
40:29-31 NKJV
I am on Google + Follow me on FB -----> JGFCHEFS FB PAGE FOR BLOGI am on BlogLovin ---> JGFC ON BlogLovin
I am on Twitter too! :D JGFCHE TWITTER LINK
COPYRIGHTED: JoAnnaGlutenFreeChef&HealthEnthusiast All images & content are copyright protected.
Please do not use my images without prior permission. ALWAYS
link back to this post for the recipe.
2009-2015 JoAnna L McGarvie Disclaimer - Please Consults your Dr. Before changing
your diet and including supplements and so forth, I am not a licensed
DR just someone who is well learned in this area from my own re search
and health journey.