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Monday, January 28, 2013

My 24-Hour Probiotic Yogurt Using Yogourmet Electric Yogurt Maker

Hello folks , Yes I'f finally writing out  my recipe for my 24 hour Pro biotic Yogurt Using My Yogourmet Electric Maker. You can Purchase it here at Amazon *no I do not get paid to endorse anything or anybody. YogourmetYogurt-Maker

Why do I do it for 24 hours?
 if you ferment it long enough, the bacteria will consume all the lactose, which is a type of sugar in milk that can often cause problems.
I wanted to share a-little bit I have not been able to have Dairy my entire life! :) pretty much, after doing the Gaps Into diet ( Just using it as a cleanse , Yeast Cleanse actually I am now able to consume My 24-hr pro-biotic yogurt!   I was also thinking of making raw butter and seeing if i could tolerate that too!
Homemade yogurt the end, homemade yogurt is an amalgam of bacteria, fat and proteins (casein and whey). Yet, some people might still
be worried with the casein content of yogurt. Casein is a protein found in milk that has been shown to cause problems for some people,
especially combined with the immune disrupting effects of gluten.
It still amaze's me that I can comsume it Its such a blessing I have not been able to consume any kind of dairy products all my life so this is a real treat AND I just made Yogurt Cheese last week its amazing Will do a post on that! :D

This Maker Makes 2 Quarts of Delicious Yogurt ~~~

Things you will Need:The Yogourmet Electric Yogurt Maker

And Instead of using the Plastic Insert from the Yogurt Maker I bought The Glass Insert here : Glass Insert that Fits Into the Yogourmet Electric Yogurt Maker Purchase here

Thermometer Like this one : Candy Thermometer  One comes with the Yogourmet Maker . But if not you can buy one like this , can be purchased through Link above.


A Medium Saucepan *your choice a nice enameled one is nice so there is no metal involved.

Lamp Dimer Like this one : Lamp Dimmer

1/2 Gallon of Raw Milk, Or if Raw milk is UN-avilable or illegal in your area use Organic Non- Homogenized Milk.

A culture starter or 1/4 cup of commercial organic not fat free or low fat yogurt.
I use Yogourmet-Freeze-Yogurt-Starter-3-Count Culture
And I also use  This Company , It's fantastic! .custom probiotics/yogurt_starter
OPTIONAL: (Beef Gelatin ( or if vegan use Guar Gum) helps make a thicker Yogurt . Great-Lakes-Unflavored-Gelatin-Kosher
(optional - 100% pure Vanilla extract if u wish to add this for vanilla flavor)

a Pourable Glass Measuring Cup
A Bamboo spoon or Plastic Do not use Metal to mix your yogurt.

Scd or Gaps Friendlily Pure Vanilla Extract if you wish to make this vanilla Yogurt!

*Pour 2 Quarts of You Milk of Choice into your Saucepan.
*Bring your milk up to 110 Degrees( this is the normal way as to not kill the good probiotics in the milk , .My problem is I noticed I when doing this i was getting really thin yogurt, so me personally heat up to 200 quickly and then throw pan into an ice bath to cool quickly! ) Fixed it I found I was putting to much Probiotics in it lol OPPS LOL ,so i dont run the risk  of pasteurizing the milk.) This will ensure any unwanted bacteria that may interfere with the good bacterial cultures we will be adding :)
* When the Milk Reaches 110 Degrees move off the heat  don't linger  :) COOL SLIGHTLY!

*I just try to Cool it down to 105 degrees or about's making sure its not too hot when adding the Probiotic  :) Pour One cup of cooled milk into the Glass Measuring Cup then add your Culture , If using the Packets one packet if using the other Pro biotic One Scoop using the spoon that came with the Pro biotic Stir till all incorporate.

*Pour the rest of your cooled milk into your maker then add in One cup of Milk that you mixed with your cultures.

*Don't forget to add Water as directed to the inside of your maker itself.

Then take your Dimmer and plug it into the wall then plug the maker into the Dimmer, Many SCD AND GAPS Bloggers have found that keeping the Dimmer switch that you use to adjust the "light" works best when its in the Middle of the Unit.
This will ensure the yogurt maker does not get too hot and keeps a consistent temperature of 105. degrees.

SIDE NOT: Or you can be a dumb dumb like me and FORGET ONCE TO put the water in the bottom!!! Omg Yes I did , Luckily Mine keeps a consistent temperature of 105 degrees so I don't use the dimmer lol ahhaha

Put a lid on your glass container with your thoroughly mixed milky goodness and then put it in your maker ,make sure your water is on the bottom of your yogurt maker *the direction to your maker will show you how if you are confused.

then put the lid on your Yogurt Maker and make sure all is plugged in correctly and You are good to go , Start timing for 24 hours! :)

Once done put in the Fridge Until Cold and set :) YUM! :)

ENJOY WITH SOME ORGANIC LOCALLY HARVEST RAW HONEY!!! OR GENTLY POACHED SOME FRUIT AND CUT IT UP AND ADD IT TO THE TOP! :) ENJOY! In your smoothies and enjoy in your savory dishes as well! Many ways to enjoy!

COPYRIGHTED: JoAnnaGlutenFreeChef&HealthEnthusiast All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. ALWAYS link back to this post for the recipe.
2009-2014 JoAnna L McGarvie

Follow Me on Pinterest

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Posting My Link to my Recipe Index Just New and Improved!

Hello All I just revised and Updated My Recipe Index:
JoAnna's Newly Updated Recipe Index! 2013


COPYRIGHTED: JoAnnaGlutenFreeChef&HealthEnthusiast All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. ALWAYS link back to this post for the recipe.
2009-2013 JoAnna L McGarvie

 Follow Me on Pinterest

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jan 20th- Baleadas and the going's of the day :D

What happend today:

"You know those times when u get something out of the freezer and you think its one thing ...but it turns out to be another ....yeah happened just now ...LOL :D ----YES that means no pork chops tonight lol hahaha."

"see everything works out just prepped My Meat for my Birthday Dinner tomorrow! :D gO ME! :D hahha "Pernil al Horno" My version of : (Puerto Rican roast pork shoulder)! :D :D"

Dinner tonight:
My Take on :" Baleadas" ( Baleadas are to Honduras what burritos are to Mexico)
Grilled (Brine d) Chicken chopped over , overnight soaked Pinto Beans (I usually use White beans) , two g/f corn tortillas and all topped with my Homemade 24-hour Pro biotic Yogurt! and Lime Wedges! and one side sauteed Organic Carrot and Cabbage Melody.
I hate my camera! greatly i really looks better than this!

My Gabby Love Love Loves em!! :)
and so does Ryan and Sean , Jack and Eleena! :D

And I saw this pic  and was so inspired to share it with you found it on Facebook: ღ♥ღ

Inside you, there is an artist you don’t know about.

FROM : creative ideas on facebook


Well I must leave you now we are continuing showing our Kids for the FIRST TIME!!! STAR WARS!!!! IV. *We dont have I , II & III, yet.

LOVE , JoAnna xoxoox

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I leave you with this for the Weekend ..... :D

And I leave this with you to ponder with over the *weekend* . Just because something works for others, Dost mean it will work for you, Don't look down smugly on others , if they don't do things exactly your way that's okay , EVERYONE is different that's what makes this world go round....And as in the world of heath there are many diffident avenues one must go down in order to find out which ones fits and works for there body....do not put someone down just because they are not doing the same "diet" or living lifestyle as you............. End of though lol xxx JoAnna xxx

Hello all Ill be back here on Monday!!!! I'm taking a little break from my blog and my blog support page here! See you all Monday!!! :D
And you all have a blessed Thru-Monday! :D :D

~copyrighted 2009-2013~ JoAnna L McGarvie

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How Manny of you HomeSchool? :D

 Hi I wanted to write this post and ask How many of you all Home school?

COPYRIGHTED: JoAnnaGlutenFreeChef&HealthEnthusiast All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. ALWAYS link back to this post for the recipe.
2009-2012 JoAnna L McGarvie

Thursday, January 10, 2013


last summer actually that I had started making my own 24-hr yogurt using RAW MILK! I have never been able to have any kind of milk ever in my life so this was HUGE HUGE THING. I did stop for a bit when i was getting so so sick , now i know it was my thyroid that has been giving me allot of greif along with my other auto-immune Im trying to bring the raw dairy milk 24-yr yprgurt back! cuz it s healthy and I really need to eat loads and buckets of it if my body can tolerate it cuz i need to gain some good healthy weight! :D


COPYRIGHTED: JoAnnaGlutenFreeChef&HealthEnthusiast All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. ALWAYS link back to this post for the recipe.
2009-2013 JoAnna L McGarvie

12.33 am Jan 10th , 2013 Frozen Kingdom... In awe of Gods Majesty and wonder

Its 12.33am its a cold frozen world out there, I stepped out side with my Haley (my 2 yr old Pure Breed Jack Russed Terrier) , as I walked the sounds of frozen leaves and fol age crunched beneath my feet, little puff of breath floated up into the air...

WOW it was beautiful the clear night sky and the most twinkling stars you have ever seen , I stood there and looked up in amazement Thank you Lord for all you beauty your majesty and all your wonder!!!
**i have a pic to upload but blogger wont let me right now mabey i can tomorrow Goodnight-all xooxo

~Copyrighted 2009-2013~ JoAnna L McGarvie

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Greetings , Wed 9th , 2013 - The Day so far...

How is everyone s Wed going?
I am trying to function lol i need more sleep! lol
But moving forward right! :) Got to finish up schooling for today, laundry folding ,laundry washing, I did do some kitchen prep, soaking beans and rice for tomorrow, I am excited because tomorrow my hubby is going to purchase 1/2 quart of Raw Organic Cows milk from our local dairy farm!

I am going to try to incorporate back into my diet my raw 24hr yogurt again, I really need to gain more weight and am having allot of trouble so I am hopefully that since i was able to have it before , which is so strange yet delightful ( yes i know why but im not gonna get into that im just chatting right now and do not in the least wanna get technical lol) 
I am very excited I do know those who suffer from Hyper-thyroid ism (overactive thyroid , one of the things i have)
that if you find trouble gaining weight eat lots of yogurt.) Unfortunate since i cannot have coconut products right now which is still a crying shame!! the only alternative i have is to use Raw cows milk yogurt! :)

And Yummo I sure do love the taste which reminds me I need to get more local Raw Honey!! Better add that to my list, wish that is didn't cost so dang much though! :)

Oh some other exciting news next week My good friend Nicole and I are going to make our own MASCARA!! :D :D I'll defiantly let you know how that goes! :)

 Well back to the grind I may post more later...New post coming soon , How to Soak and cook your beans in a pressure cooker! Yes Im gonna start posting More BASIC posts of cooking and so forth the more i go through different sites i notice allot of ppl don't know allot of basic techniques so i thought i could just post some of those , You have to understand when I post I think i have to post something huge! that no one else has done but I realize that that's not necessary . :) So my challenge is to post more on here ...yes its hard I get so many interruptions i dont know if my post even makes sense lol but that's life right hahha!! Have a good day all!
*Oh ya and i need to catch up on the photo a day for this month too!! :D

MY g/f allergen free pancakes :)

 ~Copyrighted 2009-2013~ JoAnna L McGarvie

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Like My page of FACEBOOK AND follow me On Pintrest!

thank you much and God Bless!! :)

JoAnna :)


~Copyrighted 2009-2013~ JoAnna L McGarvie

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

HAPPY 2013~~~

We had a small little New years eve party nothing huge, I even had a freind down for a nice visit and break of Tea and Homemade chocoaltes :) and a Movie ..... here are a few shots from tonight its 1.58am and im so tired got to rest....

These are the Gluten free, Allergen Free Ham and Spinach Cheesy Hot Pockets!!! :D

                                        THIS is my Delicious Cranberry Citrus Spritzer
And this is me , Hubby snaped a shot of me :/


My sweet 7 1/2 year old son took this of me His mama :D He said mama was dressed up nicely for New Years Eve and We should take some pics :D